Established on 8 February 2000 by 5 professional and business associations, namely AEI, IAI-KAM, IFEA, INA, and MTI, the Forum for Corporate Governance in Indonesia (FCGI) has played a significant role in disseminating Good Corporate Governance principles in Indonesia. Currently, the FCGI has 10 members since 5 others associations have now joined the FCGI. The members of the FCGI are:
- AEI (the Association of Indonesian Public Listed Company);
- APEI (the Association of Indonesian Securities Company);
- FKSPI BUMN/BUMD (the Association of Internal Auditor of State-Owned Companies/Local State-Owned Companies);
- IAI-KAM (the Indonesian Accountant Association - Management Accountant Compartment);
- IFEA (the Indonesian Financial Executives Association);
- IIA (the Institute of Internal Auditors) Indonesia Chapter;
- INA (the Indonesian Netherlands Association);
- MAPPI (the Indonesian Society of Appraisers);
- MTI (the Indonesian Society for Transparency); and
- YPIA (the Internal Auditor Education Foundation).
Although not a member, the JITF (Jakarta Initiative Task Force) is also active in the FCGI.Purpose and Objectives of FCGIThe FCGI works towards improving Corporate Governance in Indonesia.
The FCGI 's aim is to enhance awareness and to socialize Good Corporate Governance principles to the Indonesian business community based on international best practices, so that they can gain the benefits associated with Good Corporate Governance.
The activity of the FCGI complement the activities of the National Committee on Good Corporate Governance (NCCG), who are responsible for drafting the Code of Conduct of Good Corporate Governance and formulating the strategies required to implement this code.
As part of the FCGI's efforts to socialize Good Corporate Governance principles, the FCGI has already published Good Corporate Governance booklets and developed a self assessment questionnaire for companies to assess their implementation of Good Corporate Governance principles. The FCGI also plans to publish a series of articles on Good Corporate Governance in a leading national newspaper, broadcast a TV show on Good Corporate Governance ("Transparans 100 %") and continue its program of visiting companies to socialize Good Corporate Governance principles.