A Meeting Place for NGO and CSR of Companies
International Labour Organization (ILO) and Indonesian Netherlands Association (INA) finally launched synergy4life. This website facilitates direct involvement among CSR programs and NGO. With clear facilities and functions, downloadable documents on the website can be reviewed not more than one until three clicks from mainpage.
This information source is developed as follow up of partnership forum from ILO to achieve the goals of Eradication of Child Labor on 2016.
Mr Elmar Bouma, Director of INA said, "The purpose is to stimulate a sustainable cooperation among related CSR companies and NGO as an effort to provide opportunity for children, marginalized people and other development purposes."
The content of the website shows the maps of Indonesia and choice of CSR and NGO search page. The web visitors can obtain information of social issues, registered NGO, registered CSR and its latest projects. It is also expected that in this forum there will be deep interaction among parties whose interest in Development in Indonesia by synergy of NGO programs and CSR Projects. Up dated information is also provided for subscriber to keep pace with the development. It is also expected that donors or interested parties can participate in published programs committed by NGO in certain areas.
Source : Warta Ekonomi